CA SAND August Intrasquad
Open, Timed Finals, #17
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Sawyer Grimes
Sandpipers of Nevada
724 +0.2% SB
2 Dylan Becker
Sandpipers of Nevada
724 PB
3 Trajan Houston
Sandpipers of Nevada
715 +5.9% PB
4 Hilton Aitken
Sandpipers of Nevada
690 PB
5 Erica Sullivan
Sandpipers of Nevada
6 Bella Sims
Sandpipers of Nevada
877 +0.5% PB
7 Devin Bauman
Sandpipers of Nevada
8 Cooper Johnson
Sandpipers of Nevada
550 +3.8% PB
9 Abby Dunford
Sandpipers of Nevada
845 PB
10 Audrey Yu
Sandpipers of Nevada
11 Reese Hazan
Sandpipers of Nevada
613 +3.4% SB
Open, Timed Finals, #217
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Bryce Grover
Sandpipers of Nevada
586 +2.2% PB
Open, Timed Finals, #317
Name Time Pts
1 John Sullivan
Sandpipers of Nevada
624 PB
Open, Timed Finals, #117
Name Time Pts
1 Ethan Smith
Sandpipers of Nevada
493 PB
13 - 18, Timed Finals, #4
Name Time Pts
1 Fisher Corwin
Sandpipers of Nevada
399 PB
2 Chloe Mudadu
Sandpipers of Nevada
3 Elijah Hale
Sandpipers of Nevada