CA SAND August Intrasquad
Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Sawyer Grimes
Sandpipers of Nevada
849 -0.6%
2 Erica Sullivan
Sandpipers of Nevada
909 -0.1%
3 Trajan Houston
Sandpipers of Nevada
680 PB
4 Katie Grimes
Sandpipers of Nevada
940 +0.1% PB
5 Devin Bauman
Sandpipers of Nevada
655 PB
6 John Sullivan
Sandpipers of Nevada
636 PB
7 Thomas Miller
Sandpipers of Nevada
672 PB
8 Bella Sims
Sandpipers of Nevada
869 PB
9 Paige Kuwata
Sandpipers of Nevada
10 Bryce Grover
Sandpipers of Nevada
584 PB
11 Cooper Johnson
Sandpipers of Nevada
567 PB
12 Ethan Smith
Sandpipers of Nevada
13 Reese Lamph
Sandpipers of Nevada
14 Kendall Ruberio
Sandpipers of Nevada