NC WAVE Quad Meet
15 and over, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Mary Pruden
New Wave (NC)
2 Peyton McWhorter
Riptides Racing Team
631 -0.8%
3 Amy Chang
Raleigh Swimming Association
610 +3.3% SB
4 Kara Zhang
New Wave (NC)
5 Kenna Haney
New Wave (NC)
587 +0.5% SB
6 Katherine Hurlbert
New Wave (NC)
550 +2.2% SB
7 Mikaela Fullerton
New Wave (NC)
535 +0.7% SB
8 Alyssa Evans
New Wave (NC)
531 +3.1% SB
9 Amy Fu
New Wave (NC)
533 +3.2% PB
10 Madison Petschauer
New Wave (NC)
461 PB
11 Aynslee Grasso
New Wave (NC)
12 Anna Edelson
New Wave (NC)
369 PB
13 Libby Ogren
New Wave (NC)
331 +3.1% SB
14 Kate Schauss
New Wave (NC)
Naomi Thombs
Raleigh Swimming Association
13 - 14, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Julie Lahiff
New Wave (NC)
497 PB
2 Abi Fortner
New Wave (NC)
426 -2.7%
3 Hannah McDonough
Riptides Racing Team
419 -7.5%
4 Gabby Balbuena
New Wave (NC)
389 +3.8% SB
5 Paige Hederick
New Wave (NC)
325 PB
6 Renee Wilkins
New Wave (NC)
272 PB
7 Anna McPhaul
New Wave (NC)
317 PB
8 Hannah Adams
New Wave (NC)
9 Cecelia Cashin
New Wave (NC)
119 PB
10 Annabeth Wood
New Wave (NC)
11 - 12, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Valerie Bunger
Raleigh Swimming Association
689 +2.2% PB
2 Andie Quisumbing
New Wave (NC)
571 PB
3 Sami Rydzewski
Raleigh Swimming Association
649 +3.5% PB
4 Marisa White
New Wave (NC)
475 -3.5%
5 Riley Petersen
New Wave (NC)
6 Zion Hall
New Wave (NC)
407 +1.9% PB
7 julia turner
New Wave (NC)
403 +5.8% PB
8 Ella Speir
Riptides Racing Team
303 PB
9 Kiara Gantt
New Wave (NC)
314 -0.1%
10 Julia Moody
New Wave (NC)
11 Elizabeth League
New Wave (NC)
12 Kylie McWhorter
Riptides Racing Team
2 PB
13 Sadie Mange
New Wave (NC)
2 PB
14 Ella Garner
Granite Falls Makos
2 -2.0%
15 Ava Berry
New Wave (NC)
Marley Wingfield
Raleigh Swimming Association
10 and under, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Emilie Phillips
570 +2.0% PB
2 Tara Talwar
Raleigh Swimming Association
669 +8.6% PB
3 Angelina Lu
Raleigh Swimming Association
663 +9.1% PB
4 Helena Hettich
Raleigh Swimming Association