LVSC Memorial Day Invite
Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Calvin Lee
Team Rebel Aquatics
667 -1.2%
2 Kainoa Atkins
Las Vegas Swim Club
665 +2.5% PB
3 Reid Martin
Boulder City Henderson Heatwave
592 -1.2%
4 Aiden Longworth
Sandpipers of Nevada
5 Kenneth Dodge
Circle City Aquatics of Corona
657 -3.4%
6 Tyler Protell
Las Vegas Swim Club
7 Vinny Basil
Sandpipers of Nevada
617 -0.4%
8 Nick Dawidian
Las Vegas Swim Club
599 +0.4% PB
1 Daniel Luganov
Las Vegas Swim Club
493 -2.6%
2 Jackson Bickler
Sandpipers of Nevada
587 -0.3%
3 Jacob Guerrero
Lynwood Marlins Swim Team
483 PB
4 Robert McCarthy
Las Vegas Swim Club
571 PB
5 Dash Itano
Boulder City Henderson Heatwave
564 -2.0%
6 Alex Bickler
Sandpipers of Nevada
534 -3.2%
7 Landon Hinh
Sandpipers of Nevada
433 -0.2%
8 Matteo Brouillette
Sandpipers of Nevada
421 +0.8% PB
9 Denis Luganov
Las Vegas Swim Club
504 +1.5% PB
10 Athen Tai
Las Vegas Swim Club
500 -1.6%
11 Jeshua Barrientos
Lynwood Marlins Swim Team
391 PB
12 Isaiah Foeller
Sandpipers of Nevada
481 -1.4%
13 Fred Lewandowski
Sandpipers of Nevada
385 +0.0% PB
14 Anthony Luong
Life Time Nevada Swim Club
380 +3.9% PB
15 Manuel Gonzalez
Lynwood Marlins Swim Team
353 +4.5% PB
1 Manuel Alvarado Vidales
Lynwood Marlins Swim Team
2 Charlie Drew
Las Vegas Swim Club
3 Mitchell Bunn
Las Vegas Swim Club
335 -3.7%
4 Liam Pent
Boulder City Henderson Heatwave
240 -0.6%
5 Deonn Ligason
Las Vegas Swim Club
6 Gabriel Carpo
Life Time Nevada Swim Club
298 +1.6% PB
7 Alex Miller
Las Vegas Swim Club
201 -2.9%
8 Tom Loborec
Boulder City Henderson Heatwave
1 Bohan Zhou
Life Time Nevada Swim Club
269 +0.6% PB
2 Cash Irvine
Las Vegas Swim Club
151 PB
3 Zane Stevenson
Boulder City Henderson Heatwave
210 +0.3% PB
4 Kevin Gonzalez
Lynwood Marlins Swim Team
5 James Crain
Socal Aquatics Association
6 Rio Higuera
Sandpipers of Nevada
139 -11.2%
7 Edel Zaldivar
Lynwood Marlins Swim Team
8 Matthew Harps
Circle City Aquatics of Corona
88 +1.7% PB
9 Aleksander Valdes
Life Time Nevada Swim Club
10 David Kustosz
Sandpipers of Nevada
71 +0.4% PB
11 Daniel Dsouza
Socal Aquatics Association
12 Giancarlo Huerta
Lynwood Marlins Swim Team
2 +4.8% PB
13 Ezequiel Huezo
Lynwood Marlins Swim Team
2 -3.0%
Julian Kenyon
Las Vegas Swim Club
