AZ Copper Classic
15 and over, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 William Siebrandt
Pitchfork Aquatics
+3.0% PB
2 Aiden Kelly
Swim Neptune
464 PB
3 Reeve Moore
Swim Neptune
Seth Bolenbaugh
Pitchfork Aquatics
13 - 14, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Carson Garcia
Swim Neptune
322 +0.4% PB
2 Xander Rackley
Life Time Arizona
178 +0.5% PB
3 Landon Hedin
Pitchfork Aquatics
256 +10.3% PB
4 Alexander Pernudi
Pitchfork Aquatics
190 -2.3%
5 Louis Cristanelli
Pitchfork Aquatics
176 +5.4% PB
6 Drew Mosby
Swim Neptune
88 +0.5% PB
7 Yatharth Tomar
Swim Neptune
8 Cullen Rice
Life Time Arizona
2 +5.2% PB
9 Om Walke
Swim Neptune
10 Kerith Norwood
Flagstaff Snow S
Tosha Babenko
Pitchfork Aquatics
Liam Witherspoon
Pitchfork Aquatics
Matthew Allen
Pitchfork Aquatics
11 - 12, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Ethan Amponsah
Arizona Swimming Gauchos Inc
522 +3.4% PB
2 Chance Miller
Swim Neptune
343 +2.2% PB
3 Kai Robinson
Swim Neptune
513 +4.6% PB
4 Dominic Wright
Pitchfork Aquatics
347 +5.3% PB
5 Declan MacEachran
Pitchfork Aquatics
326 +0.5% PB
6 Emiliano Rodriguez
Life Time Arizona
171 +7.3% PB
7 Connor Deignan
Arizona Swimming Gauchos Inc
8 Mateo Ramirez
Life Time Arizona
122 PB
9 Luke Harris
Life Time Arizona
10 Ayush Behera
Swim Neptune
11 Balian Baker
Pitchfork Aquatics
12 Dax Davis
Swim Neptune
15 -1.2%
13 Daniel Sandoval
Swim Neptune
100 +0.8% PB
14 Sully Ford
Swim Neptune
41 +3.2% PB
15 Benaiah Sosebee
Swim Neptune
2 +4.1% PB
16 Damjan Atanasovski
Swim Neptune
2 -21.0%
Crew Tallini
Swim Neptune
Connor Waterman
Life Time Arizona
Vader Vargas
Swim Neptune
Greyson Castle
AZ Riptide
Milo DiCave
Swim Neptune
Mac Tinnin
Swim Neptune
Owen Heser
Life Time Arizona
Nolan Richard
Life Time Arizona
Luke Farris
Life Time Arizona
10 and under, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Carter Dorethy
Swim Neptune
578 -3.3%
2 Orion Stemmons
Swim Neptune
539 -1.2%
3 Jack Deyer
Life Time Arizona
332 +9.2% PB
4 Bennett Cooper
Life Time Arizona
287 +7.8% PB
5 Francis Robinson
Swim Neptune
6 Theo Stemmons
Swim Neptune
7 Cana Oyer
Swim Neptune
2 +2.9% PB
8 Alexandru Vetry
Swim Neptune
2 +6.3% PB
Reaves Vogt
AZ Riptide