AZ Copper Classic
15 and over, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Asher Stemmons
Swim Neptune
711 -5.8%
2 William Siebrandt
Pitchfork Aquatics
630 -2.1%
3 Carlos Lattanzi
Swim Neptune
626 -0.7%
4 Rafael De Sousa
Pitchfork Aquatics
5 Clarence Cheam
Swim Neptune
629 -0.9%
6 Rony DAHER
Pitchfork Aquatics
424 -8.0%
7 Tucker Roth
Pitchfork Aquatics
379 -8.8%
8 Alberto Dominguez Razo
Pitchfork Aquatics
Michael Eichmann
Swim Neptune
13 - 14, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Finley Mawyer
Swim Neptune
512 +0.1% PB
2 Xander Rackley
Life Time Arizona
384 +3.0% PB
3 Drew Mosby
Swim Neptune
100 +2.4% PB
4 Vansh Sabharwal
Life Time Arizona
29 +3.2% PB
5 Lawson Haarala
Life Time Arizona
5 +5.3% PB
6 Cullen Rice
Life Time Arizona
2 +1.7% PB
Om Walke
Swim Neptune
11 - 12, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Ethan Amponsah
Arizona Swimming Gauchos Inc
621 +9.3% PB
2 Chance Miller
Swim Neptune
353 +8.9% PB
3 Kai Robinson
Swim Neptune
363 +4.4% PB
4 Mateo Ramirez
Life Time Arizona
63 +17.4% PB
5 Miles Fancher
Life Time Arizona
2 +6.9% PB
6 Joshua Saggerson
Arizona Swimming Gauchos Inc
7 Greyson Castle
AZ Riptide
2 +4.7% PB
8 Luke Harris
Life Time Arizona
2 +8.0% PB
Benaiah Sosebee
Swim Neptune
Vader Vargas
Swim Neptune
10 and under, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Dikran Dikranian
Swim Neptune
152 +7.8% PB
Orion Stemmons
Swim Neptune