ST TXLA Jingle Bell Splash
A Final
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Calvin Hodges
Front Range Barracudas
624 +0.1% PB
2 Rick Shan
Milpitas Aquatics Club
518 -0.8%
Milpitas Aquatics Club
507 +6.7% PB
4 Gideon Adair
Longhorn Aquatics
494 +4.2% PB
5 Rowan Morris
Longhorn Aquatics
485 +0.8% PB
6 Marvin Qian
Waterloo Swimming
639 +0.9% PB
7 Reed Mongenel
Waterloo Swimming
591 +0.2% PB
8 Gear Noel
Longhorn Aquatics
450 -2.3%
B Final
Name Time Pts Imp
9 Joey Salvetti
Del Paso Country Club
531 +0.7% PB
11 Yale Didriksen
Wolverine Aquatics
552 PB
12 Kaleb Elcock
Longhorn Aquatics
529 PB
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Calvin Hodges
Front Range Barracudas
605 -0.7%
2 Rick Shan
Milpitas Aquatics Club
506 -1.4%
Milpitas Aquatics Club
498 +6.3% PB
4 Rowan Morris
Longhorn Aquatics
489 +1.0% PB
5 Gideon Adair
Longhorn Aquatics
469 +3.2% PB
6 Reed Mongenel
Waterloo Swimming
614 +1.2% PB
7 Marvin Qian
Waterloo Swimming
609 -0.4%
8 Gear Noel
Longhorn Aquatics
539 +1.6% PB
9 Jett Henson
Great Hills Aquatics Rush
384 +0.3% PB
10 Yale Didriksen
Wolverine Aquatics
527 PB
11 Joey Salvetti
Del Paso Country Club
362 -7.1%
12 Kaleb Elcock
Longhorn Aquatics
480 PB
13 Ryan Broccolo
YMCA of Austin
317 +0.7% PB
Zarek Gallus
YMCA of Austin