SI CAST AB All Ages Meet
Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Emily Lundgren
South Bay Aquatics
797 +0.4% PB
2 Paola Castillo
South Bay Aquatics
726 -1.3%
3 katherine Huang
North Coast Aquatics
696 -2.3%
4 Ashley Rowe
Pacific Swim
798 0.0%
5 Ashley Arnas
Coronado Swim Association
617 -2.6%
6 Aranza Martha
South Bay Aquatics
599 -0.9%
7 Sophia Penton
North Coast Aquatics
581 -0.2%
8 Mirsha Lora
South Bay Aquatics
571 PB
9 Maxine Mah
Bay Club Aquatics
568 -0.5%
10 Delaney Alonso
Pacific Swim
589 -2.9%
11 Emmy Luu
Bay Club Aquatics
560 -0.9%
12 Elizabeth Lee
Inland Coastal Aquatic Club
556 -1.7%
13 Amanda Kirtland
Pacific Swim
446 -3.2%
14 Maegan Ruane
South Bay Aquatics
441 -1.1%
15 Lili Feyk
North Coast Aquatics
531 +2.4% PB
1 Erin Kluge
Manta Ray Aquatics
419 PB
16 Ava Molloy
North Coast Aquatics
410 -2.2%
17 Jessica Connell
370 -2.8%
18 Madison Birse
Wind and Sea Swim Team
365 -0.5%
2 Natalie Dimeo
Wind and Sea Swim Team
358 PB
19 Tiana Preston
North Coast Aquatics
340 -3.7%
20 Sophia Patron
North Coast Aquatics
331 -2.6%
3 Emilee Punsalan
Heartland Swim Association
408 PB
21 Sophia Fang
Pacific Swim
315 -3.1%
4 Florence Arevalo
South Bay Aquatics
308 PB
22 Hailey Hua
Pacific Swim
395 -3.0%
23 Rylee Browne
Manta Ray Aquatics
389 -3.3%
5 Rhiya Randall
Mission Valley YMCA
294 PB
6 Kelly Gan
Pacific Swim
384 +1.9% PB
24 Daniella Rivas
South Bay Aquatics
292 -2.8%
25 Sofia Lozano
Rancho San Dieguito
274 -3.7%
7 Emilie Aurora
Inland Coastal Aquatic Club
343 -0.2%
26 Alex Hrossowyc
North Coast Aquatics
254 PB
8 Laurenza Rump
Mission Valley YMCA
9 Genevieve Glasser
Mission Valley YMCA
324 PB
10 Inamdar Inamdar
North Coast Aquatics
321 +2.1% PB
11 Eva Rousseau
Pacific Swim
317 PB
12 Amelia Scarlato
Rancho San Dieguito
227 +0.1% PB
13 Frankie Callahan
North Coast Aquatics
286 +4.7% PB
14 Aleesa Ebert
South Bay Aquatics
282 -0.4%
15 Soyoon Park
Pacific Swim
178 -1.2%
16 Reyna Winter
178 +1.5% PB
17 Asher Joseph
North Coast Aquatics
256 -2.3%
18 Sadie Barnett
Inland Coastal Aquatic Club
242 +4.0% PB
19 Dylan Murphy
North Coast Aquatics
153 -3.3%
20 Emma Del Rio
Inland Coastal Aquatic Club
218 PB
21 Isabella Hogan
San Diego Aquatic Club
210 -1.2%
22 Emma Hennick
North Coast Aquatics
183 +0.5% PB
23 Angela Fang
Pacific Swim
109 -3.6%
24 Jessica Laws
North Coast Aquatics
176 -4.5%
25 Ava Shew
Rancho San Dieguito
172 PB
26 Megan Bucklar
Rancho San Dieguito
87 PB
27 Emma Guzman
South Bay Aquatics
152 PB
28 Finley White
Manta Ray Aquatics
77 -0.3%
