VA CGBD Summer Madness LC Invitational
16 and over, A Final, #25
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Courtney Jones
Regency Park Swi
531 +1.9% PB
2 Rachael King
Regency Park Swi
365 +1.9% PB
16 and over, B Final, #25
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Amanda Carner
2 Nicole Piercy
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
641 -0.2%
3 Jessie Beattie
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
626 PB
5 Peyton Baldwin
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
598 -0.6%
6 Jenna Beattie
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
16 and over, Preliminaries, #25
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Amanda Carner
3 Jenna Beattie
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
4 Nicole Piercy
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
619 -1.1%
5 Jessie Beattie
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
6 Melissa Zhu
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
596 -0.6%
7 Peyton Baldwin
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
559 -2.3%
1 Courtney Jones
Regency Park Swi
397 -4.0%
2 Rachael King
Regency Park Swi
375 +2.3% PB
Madison Mangum
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
15, A Final, #25
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Natalia Perdomo
Regency Park Swi
432 -0.6%
15, B Final, #25
Name Time Pts Imp
4 Chelsea Marstellar
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
609 +0.6% PB
7 Abby Larson
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
533 +1.2% PB
8 Casie Clark
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
524 -2.0%
15, Preliminaries, #25
Name Time Pts Imp
2 Chelsea Marstellar
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
656 +2.5% PB
8 Abby Larson
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
533 +1.2% PB
1 Casie Clark
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
526 -2.0%
2 Natalia Perdomo
Regency Park Swi
474 +1.2% PB
14, Finals, #25
Name Time Pts
1 Ashley Hoover
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
14, Preliminaries, #25
Name Time Pts
1 Ashley Hoover
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
13, Finals, #25
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Shea Buirski
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
575 -1.1%
2 Kylie Johnson
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
512 +0.5% PB
3 Kaitlyn Pegram
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
498 -2.6%
4 Molly Rouzie
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
496 +1.3% PB
13, Preliminaries, #25
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Shea Buirski
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
551 -2.2%
2 Kaitlyn Pegram
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
516 -1.8%
3 Molly Rouzie
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
507 +1.8% PB
4 Sophie Lange
Virginia YMCA Aquatic Club
5 Kylie Johnson
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
471 -1.2%
11 - 12, Timed Finals, #55
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Gracie Mueller
Regency Park Swi
2 Isabel Marstellar
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
3 Claire Henniker
Tidewater Aquatic Club
4 Alden Koupal
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
681 +1.0% PB
5 Brooke-Lynn Clark
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
6 Rose McMullen
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
492 +3.9% PB
7 morgan mangum
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
8 Madeline Hanlon
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
557 -0.7%
9 Laura Gaffney
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
10 Kyleigh Tankard
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
11 Maddy Brown
Regency Park Swi
12 Emma Parker
Virginia YMCA Aquatic Club
287 +2.3% PB
10 and under, Timed Finals, #55
Name Time
1 Jordan Durocher
Regency Park Swi
2 Addison Kramer
Coast Guard Blue Dolphins
