CT CPAC July Senior Invite
A Final
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Sean Rogers
Chelsea Piers
809 -1.0%
2 Justin Jacob
YMCA of Greenwich Marlins
B 765 PB
3 Jacob Sherman
Chelsea Piers
758 PB
4 Nathaniel Taft
Weston Swimming Inc.
843 +5.4% PB
5 Will Daniel
Chelsea Piers
737 PB
6 Gavin Egerton
Ridgefield Aquatic Club
687 PB
7 Jake Dansker
Chelsea Piers
705 PB
8 Peter Mottolese
Chelsea Piers
708 PB
B Final
Name Time Pts Imp
9 Evan Morales
Ridgefield Aquatic Club
683 +5.6% PB
10 Edward Kim
Weston Swimming Inc.
708 +3.0% PB
11 Peter Michalik
YMCA of Greenwich Marlins
639 PB
12 Mike Kvashchuk
Zeus Swim Team
656 +3.6% PB
13 Max Scalise
Chelsea Piers
544 PB
14 Graham Lewis
Weston Swimming Inc.
648 +4.0% SB
15 Hirsh Iyer
Chelsea Piers
749 PB
16 alex sharpe
Chelsea Piers
730 PB
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Sean Rogers
Chelsea Piers
810 -1.0%
2 Justin Jacob
YMCA of Greenwich Marlins
760 PB
3 Will Daniel
Chelsea Piers
794 PB
4 Nathaniel Taft
Weston Swimming Inc.
831 +5.0% PB
5 Jacob Sherman
Chelsea Piers
732 PB
6 Jake Dansker
Chelsea Piers
705 PB
7 Gavin Egerton
Ridgefield Aquatic Club
636 PB
8 Peter Mottolese
Chelsea Piers
721 PB
9 Jack Rogers
Chelsea Piers
9 Evan Morales
Ridgefield Aquatic Club
606 +2.5% SB
11 Edward Kim
Weston Swimming Inc.
682 +1.9% PB
12 Peter Michalik
YMCA of Greenwich Marlins
593 PB
13 Mike Kvashchuk
Zeus Swim Team
633 +2.6% PB
14 Graham Lewis
Weston Swimming Inc.
694 +5.9% PB
15 Christopher Roewer
Western Connecticut YMCA
B 513 +7.4% PB
16 Max Scalise
Chelsea Piers
529 PB
17 Hirsh Iyer
Chelsea Piers
739 PB
18 alex sharpe
Chelsea Piers
736 PB
19 Hudson Jang
Chelsea Piers
630 PB
20 Tim Turnbull
Western Connecticut YMCA
B 431 +2.4% PB
21 Mike Aiello
Rapids Swim Team
416 PB
22 Ryan Carre
Chelsea Piers
616 PB
23 Sumner Pellegrini de Paur
24 Owen Foley
Ridgefield Aquatic Club
348 +0.9% PB
25 Ben Hauptman
Weston Swimming Inc.
408 PB
26 Aiden Crossfield
Western Connecticut YMCA
300 +2.2% SB
27 Patrick Burdzicki
Zeus Swim Team
335 -0.2%
28 Mitchel Powell
Chelsea Piers
499 PB
29 Connor Kwarcinski
Western Connecticut YMCA
332 +1.4% PB
30 Alexander Malecki
Rapids Swim Team
31 Matt Garcia
Weston Swimming Inc.
409 +7.7% PB
32 Brandon Bonilla
Chelsea Piers
33 Dylan Atsumi
Weston Swimming Inc.
250 PB
34 Jonathan Michalskey
Chelsea Piers
57 PB