ST TXLA Jingle Bell Splash
A Final
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Ella Mongenel
822 +2.6% PB
2 Anna Duarte
Texas Gold
677 PB
3 Natalie Holmes
McAllen Swim Club
659 +3.2% PB
4 Kiersten Taylor
Whitecaps of Westlake
736 -0.2%
5 Sophia He
Waterloo Swimming
609 +2.6% PB
6 Lilly Jayne Allison
Capital Area Aquatics
629 +4.9% PB
7 Lauren Lucas
Waterloo Swimming
613 +1.0% PB
8 Stella Wiegert
Waterloo Swimming
516 +0.8% PB
B Final
Name Time Pts Imp
9 Samantha Luty
Life Time Central Texas
489 +6.2% PB
10 Hannah Mcglathery
Texas Gold
475 +0.9% PB
11 Claire Whittle
CK Sailfish
451 +3.8% PB
12 Ella Shepherd
CK Sailfish
446 +2.2% PB
13 Sofia Sierra
Texas Gold
424 +2.8% PB
14 Leah Zhang
Waterloo Swimming
504 +1.7% PB
15 Anna Pavel
Waterloo Swimming
415 +4.1% PB
16 Aryanna Harton
Longhorn Aquatics
398 +2.6% PB
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Ella Mongenel
797 +1.6% PB
2 Anna Duarte
Texas Gold
664 PB
3 Natalie Holmes
McAllen Swim Club
634 +2.1% PB
4 Kiersten Taylor
Whitecaps of Westlake
671 -3.0%
5 Sophia He
Waterloo Swimming
541 -0.3%
6 Charlotte Brusseau
Lone Star Aquatic Club
538 +3.0% PB
7 Lilly Jayne Allison
Capital Area Aquatics
595 +3.5% PB
8 Lauren Lucas
Waterloo Swimming
576 -0.5%
9 Stella Wiegert
Waterloo Swimming
480 -0.7%
10 Hannah Mcglathery
Texas Gold
469 +0.6% PB
11 Samantha Luty
Life Time Central Texas
423 +3.4% PB
12 Ella Shepherd
CK Sailfish
418 +1.0% PB
13 Leah Zhang
Waterloo Swimming
493 +1.3% PB
14 Sofia Sierra
Texas Gold
405 +1.9% PB
15 Shree Tripathi
Longhorn Aquatics
458 +0.1% PB
16 Aryanna Harton
Longhorn Aquatics
358 +0.7% PB
17 Anna Pavel
Waterloo Swimming
341 +0.7% PB
18 Claire Whittle
CK Sailfish
329 -1.8%
19 Irene Jin
Longhorn Aquatics
394 +0.9% PB
20 El Costello
Waterloo Swimming
387 -0.4%
21 Sadie Boswell
312 -8.8%
NamAnh Truong
Whitecaps of Westlake
Eve Barilla-Deuschle
Whitecaps of Westlake
Bella Nahidi
Longhorn Aquatics