FG EA 2nd Eagle Invitational
15 and over, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Andrea Lopez-McNenney
Florida Keys Swi
328 -5.4%
2 Ava Chandler
Hurricane Aquatics
3 Francesca Esteban
Hurricane Aquatics
79 +1.5% PB
13 - 14, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Casey Perez
Blue Marlins of Hialeah Garden
688 +3.0% SB
2 Leslie Dame
Hurricane Aquatics
425 +2.2% PB
3 Camille Schechter
Hurricane Aquatics
416 PB
4 Victoria Reveron
Eagle Aquatics
5 Mia Gelin
Eagle Aquatics
418 PB
6 Victoria Pena
Florida Keys Swi
7 Eliza Chandler
Hurricane Aquatics
265 -10.6%
8 Ari Villar
Hurricane Aquatics
249 PB
9 Madison Walsh
Hurricane Aquatics
150 PB
10 Sarah Sousa
Olympus Swimming
11 Mafe Concha
Olympus Swimming
Chrislyn Lowell
Florida Keys Swi
11 - 12, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Isabella Montes
Blue Marlins of Hialeah Garden
573 +0.9% PB
2 Karen Alcala
Blue Marlins of Hialeah Garden
508 +3.2% PB
3 Iris Mogul
Hurricane Aquatics
334 PB
4 Ayelen Vazquez
Olympus Swimming
5 Rachel Larralde
Hurricane Aquatics
213 -1.8%
6 Abigail Funk
Eagle Aquatics
201 -2.0%
7 Emma Sierra-Soderman
Eagle Aquatics
126 +1.8% PB
8 Stacey Sime Lanang
Hurricane Aquatics
42 PB
Norah Reno
Hurricane Aquatics
Bella Pedraja
Hurricane Aquatics
9 - 10, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Dilcia Jimenez Pena
Blue Marlins of Hialeah Garden
514 PB
2 Angelika Morales
Eagle Aquatics
395 +2.0% PB
3 Ana Ospina
Eagle Aquatics
469 +3.0% PB
4 Kelly Uranga
Blue Marlins of Hialeah Garden
445 +3.1% PB
5 Emma Larralde
Hurricane Aquatics
214 +9.5% PB
6 Isabella Lopez
Hurricane Aquatics
200 PB
Magdalena Matovic
Eagle Aquatics
8 and under, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Yurika Duardo
Blue Marlins of Hialeah Garden
367 -0.8%
2 Daira Vazquez
Olympus Swimming