NJ BAC Summer Champs
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Kevin Whitworth
Cougar Aquatic Team
761 +3.1% PB
2 Alex Jones
Berkeley Aquatic Club
748 +1.8% PB
3 Jaeden Yburan
Cougar Aquatic Team
735 -2.8%
4 Matthew Pasola
The Atlantic Club
650 -0.1%
5 Matt Stryszak
Berkeley Aquatic Club
627 -1.0%
6 Andrew Lenkowsky
Princeton Piranhas Swim Team
623 +2.6% PB
7 Thomas Sartorio
Berkeley Aquatic Club
559 +4.9% PB
8 Andrew Kim
Cougar Aquatic Team
619 +0.5% PB
9 Michael Matthews
North Jersey Bluestreaks
492 -0.2%
10 Matt Haddad
Life Time Philly
481 -1.5%
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Kevin Whitworth
Cougar Aquatic Team
773 +3.6% PB
2 Alex Jones
Berkeley Aquatic Club
720 +0.7% PB
3 Jaeden Yburan
Cougar Aquatic Team
716 -3.6%
4 Matthew Pasola
The Atlantic Club
660 +0.3% PB
5 Matt Stryszak
Berkeley Aquatic Club
648 -0.1%
6 Andrew Kim
Cougar Aquatic Team
650 +1.8% PB
7 Thomas Sartorio
Berkeley Aquatic Club
558 +4.9% PB
8 Andrew Lenkowsky
Princeton Piranhas Swim Team
556 -0.2%
9 Matt Haddad
Life Time Philly
515 -0.1%
10 Matt Swenson
Westfield YMCA
11 William Wong
Life Time Philly
558 +1.3% PB
12 Michael Matthews
North Jersey Bluestreaks
462 -1.5%
13 Mario Builes
Eagle Aquatic Club
527 +2.2% SB
14 Maximillian Fominykh
Life Time Philly
451 PB
15 Jonah Kim
Berkeley Aquatic Club
520 +2.4% PB
16 Julian Velazquez
Princeton Piranhas Swim Team
520 -0.8%
17 Christian Tedesco
Westfield YMCA
18 Alexander Moon
Berkeley Aquatic Club
504 -1.0%
18 Angel Velasquez
Eagle Aquatic Club
504 +2.0% PB
20 Lorne Wight
Princeton Piranhas Swim Team
429 -0.5%
21 Dean Lliguicota
Eagle Aquatic Club
22 Frank Coste
Clifton Seahawks
489 +0.5% PB
23 Colin Kavanagh
Westfield YMCA
24 Erik Hoie
Berkeley Aquatic Club
462 -2.7%
25 Seif Elnawawi
Berkeley Aquatic Club
457 +1.4% SB
26 Jack Butler
Central Jersey A
428 PB
27 Matty Durcan
Southern Maine Aquatic Club
349 -0.6%
28 Lucas Gold
Princeton Piranhas Swim Team
211 -0.6%
Allan Samoilovich
Meadowlands Sharks
