
Hunter Magoon

Performance points


Event Meet Base Time Time Points
200 Y Free Nevada Championships 1:29.50 2:17.65 275
100 Y Free Nevada Championships 39.90 1:02.56 259
50 Y Free Nevada Championships 17.63 27.90 252
200 Y IM Nevada Championships 1:38.13 2:37.13 244

Sandpipers of Nevada

Event Meet Base Time Time Points
200 Y Free Nevada Championships 1:29.50 2:17.65 275
100 Y Free Nevada Championships 39.90 1:02.56 259
50 Y Free Nevada Championships 17.63 27.90 252
200 Y IM Nevada Championships 1:38.13 2:37.13 244

Sandpipers of Nevada

Event Meet Base Time Time Points
200 Y Free Nevada Championships 1:38.24 2:17.65 364
50 Y Free Nevada Championships 19.76 27.90 355
100 Y Free Nevada Championships 43.90 1:02.56 346
200 Y IM Nevada Championships 1:45.29 2:37.13 301