TYR Desert Committee Championship
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Katie Grimes
Sandpipers of Nevada
980 -1.1%
2 Rebecca Diaconescu
Sandpipers of Nevada
896 -0.5%
3 Jack Pollard
Sandpipers of Nevada
749 -1.1%
4 Zeke Rasmussen
Sandpipers of Nevada
665 -1.0%
5 Lucy Warnick
Sandpipers of Nevada
774 -1.0%
6 Liam Doty
Sandpipers of Nevada
629 -1.4%
7 Vinny Basil
Sandpipers of Nevada
671 -1.0%
8 Lewis Bateman
Sandpipers of Nevada
741 -1.0%
9 Gavin Miller
Sandpipers of Nevada
594 -0.2%
10 Jackson Bickler
Sandpipers of Nevada
640 -3.0%
11 Jaxson Morgan
Sandpipers of Nevada
700 -1.0%
12 Seth Basilio
Sandpipers of Nevada
594 -1.1%
13 Alex Bickler
Sandpipers of Nevada
582 -0.6%
14 Hayden Rasmussen
Sandpipers of Nevada
451 -1.7%
15 Amber Millman
Sandpipers of Nevada
626 -1.0%
16 Ashley Walker
Sandpipers of Nevada
631 -1.0%
17 Sienna Zauder
Sandpipers of Nevada
596 -0.9%
18 Bryan Chen
Sandpipers of Nevada
378 -0.9%
19 Mia Campbell
Sandpipers of Nevada
549 -1.7%
20 Anna Kattau
Sandpipers of Nevada
549 -2.3%
21 Lola Angotti
Sandpipers of Nevada
575 -1.4%
22 Hailey Walker
Sandpipers of Nevada
564 -0.2%
23 Elizabeth Hale
Sandpipers of Nevada
481 -1.7%
24 Emma Rampoldi
Sandpipers of Nevada
479 -0.9%
25 Matteo Brouillette
Sandpipers of Nevada
417 -0.1%
26 Skylar Dupuis
Sandpipers of Nevada
503 -0.9%
27 Everett Collins
Sandpipers of Nevada
603 -0.9%
28 Celine Abercrombie
Sandpipers of Nevada
494 -1.2%
29 Makena Manteufel
Sandpipers of Nevada
479 -0.8%
30 Audrey De Luna
Sandpipers of Nevada
402 -2.5%
31 Izabella Barrieault
Sandpipers of Nevada
577 -0.8%
32 4bfac7a183e24d Sheridan
Sandpipers of Nevada
572 -2.6%
