Mustache Madness
17 - 18, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Clayton Haskins
Rockwall Aquatic Center
570 -0.3%
2 Landon Anthony
Rockwall Aquatic Center
555 +1.6% PB
15 - 16, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 David de la Garza
Rockwall Aquatic Center
653 +7.4% PB
2 Kenneth Tipping
Rockwall Aquatic Center
553 -0.7%
3 Henry Thatcher
Rockwall Aquatic Center
Sam Schultz
Rockwall Aquatic Center
13 - 14, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Finn Bonner
Rockwall Aquatic Center
524 -1.1%
2 Marcus Amores
Rockwall Aquatic Center
627 -3.9%
3 Gavin Smith
Rockwall Aquatic Center
344 +0.7% PB
4 Benjamin Adashek
City of Plano Swimmers
11 - 12, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Sean Lin
City of Plano Swimmers
2 Jeremy Higgins
Rockwall Aquatic Center
241 +6.1% PB