UT SUSA IMX Challenge
15 and over, Timed Finals, #34
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Taylor Fox
413 +3.3% PB
2 Damon Ericksen
Southern Utah Swimming Association
298 -0.9%
3 Tony Finger
179 -0.7%
4 Lucas Fotheringham
191 +1.7% PB
5 Kyle Flake
175 PB
6 Caleb Henry
2 -3.4%
7 Jose Barragan
Race Swami
2 +5.1% PB
13 - 14, Timed Finals, #34
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Calvin Rom
Southern Utah Swimming Association
330 PB
2 Chris Patilano
213 +4.3% PB
3 Louis Reyes
Race Swami
107 +4.6% PB
4 Weston Carraway
Cedar Swim Club
38 +1.6% PB
5 Seamus Milligan
Southern Utah Swimming Association
11 - 12, Timed Finals, #4
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Davis Chase
Hilltop Aquatic Swim Team
2 Andrew Gray
Cedar Swim Club
435 +4.5% PB
3 Grant Curtis
Hilltop Aquatic Swim Team
413 +3.2% PB
4 Everett West
Southern Utah Swimming Association
195 PB
5 Wesley Bahr
Hilltop Aquatic Swim Team
127 PB
6 Tommy Savage
Hilltop Aquatic Swim Team
97 +2.1% PB
7 Jackson Myers
Southern Utah Swimming Association
2 PB
8 Fernando Manig
Race Swami
11 PB
9 Noah Sharifi
Southern Utah Swimming Association
2 PB
Tyce Tanner
Southern Utah Swimming Association
10 and under, Timed Finals, #4
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Jack Petersen
Hilltop Aquatic Swim Team
489 +0.3% PB
2 Mack Hubbard
Southern Utah Swimming Association
3 Alex Zapien
Race Swami
200 +1.5% PB
Winston Chase
Hilltop Aquatic Swim Team
Jonah Sharifi
Southern Utah Swimming Association