VA CCA Summer Awards
15 and over, Finals, #98
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Davis Hottle
Lynchburg Y
457 +2.7% PB
2 Declund Stevenson
Lynchburg Y
453 +4.7% PB
3 Brendan Thomas
Waynesboro Family YMCA
382 +5.0% SB
4 Noah Kasper
Lynchburg Y
377 +2.2% PB
5 James Holmes
Nova of Virginia
15 and over, Preliminaries, #98
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Davis Hottle
Lynchburg Y
509 +4.8% PB
2 Nathan Baxley
Virginia Gators
505 PB
3 Declund Stevenson
Lynchburg Y
418 +3.3% PB
4 Noah Kasper
Lynchburg Y
438 +4.6% PB
5 Brendan Thomas
Waynesboro Family YMCA
273 +0.3% SB
6 James Holmes
Nova of Virginia
13 - 14, Finals, #98
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Avery Snyder
Lynchburg Y
2 Liam McMahon
Waynesboro Family YMCA
560 PB
3 Garrett Wispelwey
Cavalier Aquatics
535 +2.7% PB
4 Brandon Hu
H2okie Aquatics
518 +3.3% PB
5 Max Mizuba
VA Blue Ridge Riptides
451 +4.8% PB
6 Anderson Weaber
Waynesboro Family YMCA
499 +2.6% PB
7 Quinn He
Waynesboro Family YMCA
401 +2.3% PB
8 Max Tungate
Cavalier Aquatics
437 +1.2% PB
13 - 14, Preliminaries, #98
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Avery Snyder
Lynchburg Y
2 Garrett Wispelwey
Cavalier Aquatics
538 +2.8% PB
3 Liam McMahon
Waynesboro Family YMCA
4 Max Mizuba
VA Blue Ridge Riptides
454 +4.9% PB
5 Brandon Hu
H2okie Aquatics
425 -0.4%
6 Anderson Weaber
Waynesboro Family YMCA
499 +2.6% PB
7 Quinn He
Waynesboro Family YMCA
399 +2.3% PB
8 Max Tungate
Cavalier Aquatics
451 +1.8% PB
9 Santiago Diaz Espinoza
H2okie Aquatics
10 Josh Edwards
Lynchburg Y
355 +0.7% PB
11 Xavier Fish
Waynesboro Family YMCA
340 +0.0% PB
12 Garrett Britt
Cavalier Aquatics
405 PB
13 Aspen Thompson
VA Blue Ridge Riptides
368 PB
14 Zachary Binter
Cavalier Aquatics
360 PB
15 Bear Straight
Waynesboro Family YMCA
253 +5.0% PB
16 Jacob Leger
Lynchburg Y
250 +8.3% PB
17 Jack Lawrence
VA Blue Ridge Riptides
316 +4.1% PB
18 Peter Rawlings
Nova of Virginia
96 -2.6%
11 - 12, Timed Finals, #4
Name Time Score Imp
1 Owen Williams
Lynchburg Aquatic Club
20 PB
2 Crosby Grigg
H2okie Aquatics
3 Moses Park
H2okie Aquatics
16 -0.7%
4 Gabe Cullaty
Cavalier Aquatics
15 PB
9 - 10, Timed Finals, #2
Name Time Score Imp
1 Abraham Du
H2okie Aquatics
20 +4.6% PB
2 Noah Leger
Lynchburg Y
17 +5.0% PB
Harry Kiser
Virginia Gators
8 and under, Timed Finals, #2
Name Time Score Imp
1 Lucas Clark
H2okie Aquatics
20 -1.4%
2 Benjamin Leger
Lynchburg Y
17 +0.8% PB
