SE XCEL Firecracker
A Final
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Micah Keen
707 PB
2 Tino Ferranti
Excel Aquatics
3 Nathan Lumsdaine
Excel Aquatics
726 -2.0%
4 Max Boylan
Excel Aquatics
672 +3.6% PB
5 Josh Liu
Excel Aquatics
540 +3.7% PB
6 Alexander White
Excel Aquatics
554 +0.6% PB
7 Ty Ries
Excel Aquatics
463 +1.0% PB
8 Hudson Smith
Excel Aquatics
496 +0.8% SB
B Final
Name Time Pts Imp
9 Carter Souliere
Excel Aquatics
569 +2.7% PB
10 Jack Button
Excel Aquatics
473 +6.5% PB
11 Aikman Warren
Excel Aquatics
536 +1.2% PB
12 Neil Cartailler
Excel Aquatics
505 PB
13 Kerolos Ebrahim
Excel Aquatics
14 Remington Hitchcox
The Stingrays
405 +1.9% PB
15 Sammy Ibrahim
Excel Aquatics
363 PB
16 Ezekiel Hoeldtke
Jackson Swim Team
358 -1.1%
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Tino Ferranti
Excel Aquatics
2 Nathan Lumsdaine
Excel Aquatics
722 -2.2%
3 Max Boylan
Excel Aquatics
666 +3.4% PB
4 Micah Keen
537 PB
5 Josh Liu
Excel Aquatics
532 +3.4% PB
6 Hudson Smith
Excel Aquatics
519 +1.8% SB
7 Alexander White
Excel Aquatics
554 +0.6% PB
8 Ty Ries
Excel Aquatics
453 +0.6% PB
9 Jack Button
Excel Aquatics
440 +5.2% PB
10 Aikman Warren
Excel Aquatics
516 +0.3% PB
11 Sammy Ibrahim
Excel Aquatics
438 PB
12 Neil Cartailler
Excel Aquatics
479 PB
13 Carter Souliere
Excel Aquatics
473 -1.6%
14 Matthew Howlett
Manchester Makos Swim Team
357 PB
15 Remington Hitchcox
The Stingrays
350 -0.6%
16 Kerolos Ebrahim
Excel Aquatics
17 Ezekiel Hoeldtke
Jackson Swim Team
308 -3.5%
18 Braiden Pancirov
Excel Aquatics
342 -2.7%
19 Jamie Allison
Jackson Swim Team
297 +1.7% PB
20 Will Johnson
Excel Aquatics
282 +0.2% PB
21 Soaham Poonia
Excel Aquatics
254 PB
22 T. J. Skalicky
Manchester Makos Swim Team
23 Logan Chudzik
Excel Aquatics
276 PB
24 Nicholas Milani
Excel Aquatics
222 PB
25 Johnathan Lai
Excel Aquatics
170 PB
26 Benjamin Bush
Lifetime Southeast
27 Evan Hayes
Excel Aquatics
177 PB
28 Drew Smith
Excel Aquatics
