A Final
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Joshua Fisher
Poseidon Swimming Inc
886 +2.7% PB
2 Ryan Silver
Marlins of Raleigh
755 +0.3% SB
3 Jack Mills
Lynchburg Y
800 -0.2%
4 Brendan Whitfield
Lynchburg Y
5 Torin Doherty
Marlins of Raleigh
724 -1.1%
6 Kyle Countie
Marlins of Raleigh
711 +1.6% PB
7 Hudson DeGroote
Marlins of Raleigh
750 +4.8% SB
8 Wells Walker
Marlins of Raleigh
681 +2.8% PB
9 Saylor Penny
Marlins of Raleigh
700 +4.1% PB
B Final
Name Time Pts Imp
10 David Quaresma
Marlins of Raleigh
687 +1.8% PB
11 Michael Anderson
H2okie Aquatics
729 +5.6% PB
12 Matthew Shnowske
757 Swim
682 +6.0% PB
13 Eli Babcock
H2okie Aquatics
632 +4.7% PB
14 Max Schonfelder
Lynchburg Y
671 +0.1% PB
15 Sammy Watkins
Marlins of Raleigh
582 +5.7% SB
16 Bode Thompson
H2okie Aquatics
614 +4.8% SB
17 Owen Widzisz
Lynchburg Y
18 Wilson Tuttle
Marlins of Raleigh
550 PB
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Joshua Fisher
Poseidon Swimming Inc
887 +2.8% PB
2 Brendan Whitfield
Lynchburg Y
3 Jack Mills
Lynchburg Y
743 -2.7%
4 Wells Walker
Marlins of Raleigh
684 +2.9% PB
5 Kyle Countie
Marlins of Raleigh
683 +0.4% PB
6 Ryan Silver
Marlins of Raleigh
658 -3.8%
7 Saylor Penny
Marlins of Raleigh
679 +3.2% PB
8 Hudson DeGroote
Marlins of Raleigh
675 +1.8% SB
9 Torin Doherty
Marlins of Raleigh
633 -5.0%
10 Matthew Shnowske
757 Swim
659 +5.0% PB
11 Eli Babcock
H2okie Aquatics
613 +3.9% PB
12 Michael Anderson
H2okie Aquatics
668 +3.2% PB
13 Max Schonfelder
Lynchburg Y
665 -0.1%
14 Bode Thompson
H2okie Aquatics
625 +5.3% SB
15 David Quaresma
Marlins of Raleigh
571 -3.1%
16 Owen Widzisz
Lynchburg Y
605 PB
17 Sammy Watkins
Marlins of Raleigh
562 +4.9% SB
18 Ian Stutts
Marlins of Raleigh
608 +3.6% PB
18 Wilson Tuttle
Marlins of Raleigh
573 PB
20 James Cotham
Marlins of Raleigh
604 +2.5% PB
21 Trent Hollandsworth
H2okie Aquatics
597 PB
22 Broder Swenson
Marlins of Raleigh
594 +3.0% PB
23 Zac Sudweeks
H2okie Aquatics
518 +0.2% SB
24 Justin Arens
Marlins of Raleigh
568 PB
25 Aidan Allen
Marlins of Raleigh
557 +0.2% SB
26 Timmy Spivey
Marlins of Raleigh
550 +3.2% PB
27 Jack Williams
Marlins of Raleigh
536 +7.4% SB
28 Joshua Smith
Lynchburg Y
460 +4.5% PB
29 Davis Hottle
Lynchburg Y
527 +5.7% SB
30 Eddie Klinko
Valley Swim Team-Phoenix
453 +2.2% PB
31 Nathan Gilley
Poseidon Swimming Inc
471 +2.2% PB
32 Luke Wilson
Marlins of Raleigh
417 PB
33 Ryan Zhao
H2okie Aquatics
462 +3.5% PB
34 Owen VanSchaick
Marlins of Raleigh
490 PB
35 Owen Von Weihe
Marlins of Raleigh
36 Josh Warren
Lynchburg Y
479 +6.5% PB
37 Matthew Boyce
Marlins of Raleigh
461 -0.7%
38 Reiley Purcell
Marlins of Raleigh
426 +4.5% SB
39 Brett Umnus
Marlins of Raleigh
435 +2.8% PB
40 Isaac Anderson
422 +4.3% PB
41 Collin Camp
Marlins of Raleigh
401 +0.5% SB
42 connor wilkes
VA Blue Ridge Riptides
393 PB
43 Avery Parks
757 Swim
368 PB
44 Ben Hiss
Lynchburg Y
267 +1.5% SB
45 Owen Rempfer
Lynchburg Y
46 Trevor Cram
Valley Swim Team-Phoenix
47 Carter Rice
Lynchburg Y
221 -3.6%
48 Cam St. Clair
Lynchburg Y
49 Chris Neuman
Marlins of Raleigh
Sam Rigot
Marlins of Raleigh
Landon Akers
Cole Bachmann
Marlins of Raleigh
