NT RACE Mallard Madness
17 - 18, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Nick Williamson
Rockwall Aquatic Center
402 +0.9% PB
2 Jackson McCaleb
Rockwall Aquatic Center
15 - 16, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Nathan Jacobbe
Rockwall Aquatic Center
684 +7.1% PB
2 Landon Anthony
Rockwall Aquatic Center
322 -0.8%
3 Zach Goldminz
217 +4.0% PB
13 - 14, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Noah Reichert
Academy of Texas Aquatic Champions
443 +5.3% PB
2 Chase Gluck
Rockwall Aquatic Center
394 +6.4% PB
3 Henry Scott
City of Richardson Swim Team
487 +2.1% PB
4 Oliver Geheb
City of Plano Swimmers
484 PB
5 Angel Valenzuela
Rockwall Aquatic Center
359 -2.8%
6 Hayden Sennett
Select Team of Aquatic Racers
444 +7.9% PB
7 Jay Norton
City of Richardson Swim Team
48 PB
JJ Arbuckle
Dallas Mustangs
Kanyon Michaelis
City of Richardson Swim Team
11 - 12, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Ryan Dinesh
City of Plano Swimmers
652 +3.0% PB
2 Finn Bonner
Rockwall Aquatic Center
362 -1.5%
3 Parker Sloan
City of Richardson Swim Team
4 Gavin Smith
Rockwall Aquatic Center
511 +6.3% PB
5 AJ Flaskas
Dallas Mustangs
Vinny Petronella
Select Team of Aquatic Racers
