NC SGSA Eastern invitational
Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Wesley Barnett
2 Wilson Tuttle
Marlins of Raleigh
804 +2.7% PB
3 Ryan Silver
Marlins of Raleigh
695 -0.7%
4 Bode Ringenbach
Marlins of Raleigh
692 -1.3%
5 Davis Dunham
SwimMAC Carolina
788 -0.7%
6 Christian Smith
Marlins of Raleigh
829 +1.5% PB
7 Nathan Herman
Marlins of Raleigh
651 +0.8% PB
8 Norvin Clontz
SwimMAC Carolina
804 +1.6% PB
9 Hudson DeGroote
Marlins of Raleigh
748 +0.6% PB
10 George Glassner
SwimMAC Carolina
729 +4.8% PB
11 Reilly Keaney
Greensboro Swimming Assoc
12 Max Westfall
Marlins of Raleigh
609 -0.9%
13 Charles Heisig
SwimMAC Carolina
645 PB
14 Jesse Abramson
New York Sharks (NYSA)
645 +2.7% PB
15 Evan Prabhu
SwimMAC Carolina
694 +3.5% PB
16 Chris Schilling
Greensboro Swimming Assoc
689 +5.8% PB
17 Alex Cook
SwimMAC Carolina
588 -0.3%
18 Mason Hetzell
Marlins of Raleigh
19 Quinn OMara
SwimMAC Carolina
675 +3.4% PB
20 Granger Bartee
SwimMAC Carolina
671 +5.2% PB
21 Owen Von Weihe
Marlins of Raleigh
613 +1.2% PB
22 Bailey Covington
Nitro Swimming
611 PB
23 Drew Davis
Marlins of Raleigh
660 -0.3%
24 Cole Bachmann
Marlins of Raleigh
561 +1.2% PB
25 David Quaresma
Marlins of Raleigh
561 +2.7% PB
26 Justin Gould
SwimMAC Carolina
657 PB
27 Tull Perkins
Marlins of Raleigh
28 John Kroll
SwimMAC Carolina
29 Jacob Anderson
Marlins of Raleigh
743 +3.2% PB
30 Ian Frazer
Marlins of Raleigh
636 +1.9% PB
31 Wells Walker
Marlins of Raleigh
535 +1.2% PB
32 Justin Arens
Marlins of Raleigh
629 +0.6% PB
33 Albert Smelzer
Greensboro Swimming Assoc
720 +3.2% PB
34 Kyle Countie
Marlins of Raleigh
506 +4.9% PB
35 Rhyse Ruffy
New York Sharks (NYSA)
603 PB
36 Jac ReVille
Marlins of Raleigh
450 -8.7%
37 Christian Lee
Marlins of Raleigh
38 Bryce Spangler
SwimMAC Carolina
581 +6.4% PB
39 Owen VanSchaick
Marlins of Raleigh
556 -0.6%
40 Will Vincent
Marlins of Raleigh
492 PB
41 Nick Bruno
New York Sharks (NYSA)
42 Broder Swenson
Marlins of Raleigh
540 +0.0% PB
43 Chris Glebus
Greensboro Swimming Assoc
395 +2.7% PB
44 Santi Alzate
SwimMAC Carolina
617 +2.6% PB
45 Ben Guglielmo
Marlins of Raleigh
606 +2.7% PB
46 Owen Ragsdale
Marlins of Raleigh
373 +0.0% PB
47 Pablo Ashi
SwimMAC Carolina
448 +4.7% SB
48 Sammy Watkins
Marlins of Raleigh
49 Glen Gimpl
Marlins of Raleigh
357 PB
50 Nicholas Caporaso
Marlins of Raleigh
51 Thomas Hoffman
Greensboro Swimming Assoc
296 +6.6% PB
52 Harry Stacey
Marlins of Raleigh
332 +7.5% PB
53 Gavin Conroy
SwimMAC Carolina
515 +6.6% PB
54 Jesse Eskelund
Fin Aquatic Swim Team
55 Channing Scott
SwimMAC Carolina
56 Tyler Briceno
New York Sharks (NYSA)
292 PB
57 Jack Neudecker
Marlins of Raleigh
58 PJ Ragains
Marlins of Raleigh
226 +2.5% PB
59 Chase Sheffield
High Point Swim Club
155 -3.3%
60 Tyler Ingraham
New York Sharks (NYSA)
154 PB
61 Killian Piner
Greensboro Swimming Assoc
62 Jeffery Gentry
Greensboro Swimming Assoc
18 -0.7%
63 Jamie Schall
Greensboro Swimming Assoc
10 -1.7%
Cohen Joyner
Tidal Wave Aquatics
Charlie Burdulis
SwimMAC Carolina