ST AAAA George Block Invitational
15 and over, Finals, #208
Name Time Pts Imp
1 John Burger
Swim Houston Aquatic Club
786 PB
2 Luis Fernand Peña Hernandez
Alamo Area Aquatic Associati
782 +0.8% PB
3 Isaiah Salinas
Alamo Area Aquatic Associati
779 +1.0% PB
4 David Forsyth
Alamo Area Aquatic Associati
730 +1.9% PB
5 Michael Robertson
Alamo Area Aquatic Associati
730 +3.5% PB
6 Weifan Zhang
Swim Houston Aquatic Club
786 +6.4% PB
7 Luke Stibrich
Blue Tide Aquatics
784 PB
8 Ricky Villarreal
Rockwall Aquatic Center
692 PB
15 and over, Preliminaries, #208
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Luis Fernand Peña Hernandez
Alamo Area Aquatic Associati
760 -0.2%
2 John Burger
Swim Houston Aquatic Club
740 PB
3 Isaiah Salinas
Alamo Area Aquatic Associati
757 +0.1% PB
4 Ricky Villarreal
Rockwall Aquatic Center
688 PB
5 Michael Robertson
Alamo Area Aquatic Associati
686 +1.7% PB
6 Weifan Zhang
Swim Houston Aquatic Club
748 +4.8% PB
7 Luke Stibrich
Blue Tide Aquatics
732 PB
8 David Forsyth
Alamo Area Aquatic Associati
624 -2.7%
9 Carson Smith
Swim Houston Aquatic Club
700 +4.6% PB
10 Noah Ott
Alamo Area Aquatic Associati
691 -1.1%
11 Brad Binns
Rockwall Aquatic Center
686 +1.5% PB
12 Ricky Helmboldt
COM Aquatics
596 +1.0% PB
13 A. J. English
Rockwall Aquatic Center
14 Ryan Lester
Rockwall Aquatic Center
600 PB
15 Oscar Mayorga
Swim Houston Aquatic Club
591 PB
16 Egan Trahant
Franco's Fins
504 PB
17 Lane Jordon
COM Aquatics
488 +3.1% PB
18 Tyron Chew
Blue Tide Aquatics
523 +1.2% PB
19 Harrison Olan
Rockwall Aquatic Center
Len Ray
Alamo Area Aquatic Associati
13 - 14, Finals, #208
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Nathan Jacobbe
Rockwall Aquatic Center
2 Jackson Greenwood
3 Vincent Leek
Rockwall Aquatic Center
649 +0.4% PB
4 Casey Lowenborg
Alamo Area Aquatic Associati
5 Evan Gluck
Rockwall Aquatic Center
692 +1.7% PB
6 AJ Alfeo
Rockwall Aquatic Center
684 +7.7% PB
7 Luis Villalobos Matson
COM Aquatics
8 Kenneth Tipping
Rockwall Aquatic Center
572 +0.7% PB
13 - 14, Preliminaries, #208
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Sabastian Garcia
Alamo Area Aquatic Associati
2 Nathan Jacobbe
Rockwall Aquatic Center
3 Vincent Leek
Rockwall Aquatic Center
668 +1.2% PB
4 Jackson Greenwood
5 Casey Lowenborg
Alamo Area Aquatic Associati
6 Evan Gluck
Rockwall Aquatic Center
719 +2.9% PB
7 Michael Valenzuela
Blue Tide Aquatics
8 Luis Villalobos Matson
COM Aquatics
9 Kenneth Tipping
Rockwall Aquatic Center
593 +1.6% PB
10 AJ Alfeo
Rockwall Aquatic Center
590 +3.9% PB
11 Oscar Buitrago
COM Aquatics
12 Nathan Tran
Rockwall Aquatic Center
13 Ben Cottrill
Alamo Area Aquatic Associati
14 Chase Gluck
Rockwall Aquatic Center
15 Owen Altermatt
Alamo Area Aquatic Associati
411 PB
16 Gideon Swan
Swim Houston Aquatic Club
350 PB
17 James Conner
Franco's Fins
437 PB
18 Javier Gamon
Rockwall Aquatic Center
11 - 12, Finals, #8
Name Time Pts
1 Sheldon Brown
Rockwall Aquatic Center
11 - 12, Preliminaries, #8
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Bryce Hunnicutt
Blue Tide Aquatics
519 +1.3% PB
2 Sheldon Brown
Rockwall Aquatic Center
