NC TAC Long Course Closeout
15 and over, Finals, #4
Name Time Pts Imp
1 John Prucha
TAC Titans
788 +1.9% PB
2 Kyle Johnson
TAC Titans
597 +0.1% PB
3 Trey McLawhorn
TAC Titans
4 Joseph Cramer
New Wave (NC)
5 Josh Paroly
TAC Titans
407 -1.5%
6 JR Cobb
New Wave (NC)
428 -0.4%
7 Shawn Miller
TAC Titans
369 +2.7% PB
15 and over, Preliminaries, #4
Name Time Pts Imp
1 John Prucha
TAC Titans
788 +1.9% PB
2 Daniel Baldwin
New Wave (NC)
581 PB
3 Wyatt Pena
TAC Titans
654 -1.7%
4 Trey McLawhorn
TAC Titans
526 PB
5 Kyle Johnson
TAC Titans
583 -0.5%
6 Joseph Cramer
New Wave (NC)
7 Tristan Wade
TAC Titans
367 +4.7% PB
8 JR Cobb
New Wave (NC)
446 +0.5% PB
9 Josh Paroly
TAC Titans
409 -1.4%
10 Shawn Miller
TAC Titans
390 +3.6% PB
11 Matthew Goembel
TAC Titans
396 +3.0% PB
13 - 14, A Final, #4
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Garlan Mei
TAC Titans
604 +0.9% PB
2 Jayden Stockey
TAC Titans
537 0.0%
3 Owen Reilly
TAC Titans
508 +2.4% PB
4 Cole Hurlbert
New Wave (NC)
499 +1.2% PB
5 Vedu Pathare
TAC Titans
484 +1.4% PB
6 Cole Artman
TAC Titans
473 PB
7 William Hook
TAC Titans
541 +3.9% PB
8 Brady Tangeman
TAC Titans
523 +3.6% PB
13 - 14, B Final, #4
Name Time Pts Imp
9 Andrew Li
TAC Titans
790 -1.5%
10 Colton Wade
TAC Titans
362 +5.1% PB
11 Cooper Beebe
TAC Titans
366 -0.1%
12 Joey Biersack
TAC Titans
213 PB
13 Matthew Honaker
TAC Titans
275 -0.6%
Ryan Kyritsis
TAC Titans
13 - 14, Preliminaries, #4
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Andrew Li
TAC Titans
740 -3.7%
2 Garlan Mei
TAC Titans
550 -1.4%
3 Jayden Stockey
TAC Titans
537 0.0%
4 Vedu Pathare
TAC Titans
501 +2.1% PB
5 Cole Hurlbert
New Wave (NC)
462 -0.4%
6 Owen Reilly
TAC Titans
426 -1.2%
7 Cole Artman
TAC Titans
417 PB
8 William Hook
TAC Titans
514 +2.9% PB
9 Brady Tangeman
TAC Titans
507 +2.9% PB
10 Colton Wade
TAC Titans
298 +2.3% PB
11 Cooper Beebe
TAC Titans
379 +0.5% PB
12 Joey Biersack
TAC Titans
253 PB
13 Matthew Honaker
TAC Titans
281 -0.4%
14 Ryan Kyritsis
TAC Titans
157 +2.6% PB
Lucas Johnson
TAC Titans
Will Juricak
TAC Titans
12 and under, Timed Finals, #2
Name Time Pts Imp
1 CJ Eickhoff
TAC Titans
557 -1.2%
2 Michael Batrouni
TAC Titans
526 +3.9% PB
3 Ryan Fortner
New Wave (NC)
498 +3.0% PB
4 Holden Ball
New Wave (NC)
495 PB
5 Jackson Scheiber
New Wave (NC)
316 -3.1%
6 Isaac Harter
TAC Titans
388 +1.9% PB
7 Luke Wen
TAC Titans
233 PB
8 Ryan Cleaver
TAC Titans
314 -11.0%
9 Landon Handschumacher
New Wave (NC)
106 PB