SI CSA AB All Ages Meet
Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Ian Carsten
Pacific Athletic Club
617 +2.7% PB
2 Sam Walker
South Bay Aquatics
553 PB
3 Ian Mullen
553 +3.3% PB
4 Nolan Nguyen
Renegade Aquatics
551 +0.8% PB
5 Cathal Ryan
North Coast Aquatics
517 -0.8%
6 Carter Stuhlmacher
South Bay Aquatics
594 -0.5%
7 Sean McGarry
Inland Coastal Aquatic Club
464 -2.5%
8 Duke Grady
North Coast Aquatics
429 +4.1% PB
9 Evan Maxwell
North Coast Aquatics
428 +2.0% PB
10 Jonah Pawlak
Magdalena Ecke YMCA Riptides
422 PB
11 Tyler Halsey
North Coast Aquatics
493 +2.2% PB
12 Donavon Ellis
North Coast Aquatics
448 +1.5% PB
13 Marco Croshier-Martucci
357 -1.8%
1 Marcus Daza
Pacific Swim
14 Brayden Scott
Pacific Swim
414 +3.6% PB
15 Angel Gonzalez Siller
The Wave House San Diego Swim
326 +7.1% PB
2 Aria Azarli
Pacific Swim
404 +4.8% PB
3 Kevin Tlalka
North Coast Aquatics
302 +2.8% PB
4 Jayden Bilbes
South Bay Aquatics
382 PB
16 Ian Carstairs
Rancho San Dieguito
297 +1.8% SB
5 Joseph Nguyen
Pacific Swim
376 +1.1% PB
17 Michael Montoro
Pacific Swim
353 -1.3%
6 Alvaro Carrillo
The Wave House San Diego Swim
351 +4.2% PB
7 Keely Yeager
Pacific Athletic Club
336 +2.1% PB
8 Varun Dutt
Rancho San Dieguito
255 PB
18 Lukas Zuricho
Mission Valley YMCA
327 -1.9%
19 Kristoffer Zuricho
Mission Valley YMCA
321 -4.8%
9 Logan Barrows
Ramona Swim Team
228 +4.2% PB
10 Dylan Ignon
Rancho San Dieguito
295 PB
11 Will Coziahr
279 +1.7% PB
12 Wyatt Loorya
Heartland Swim Association
277 +4.2% PB
13 Drake Howard
Heartland Swim Association
259 +2.0% PB
14 Matthew Lee
Rancho San Dieguito
254 PB
15 Justin Lewandowski
Pacific Swim
243 PB
20 Joshua Shabel
Pacific Swim
164 -9.9%
16 Cesar Torres Zamora
162 PB
17 Nicolas Lucia
Pacific Swim
158 +1.5% PB
1 Blake Schalge
South Bay Aquatics
207 +2.8% PB
18 Donovan Ahrendt
North Coast Aquatics
129 PB
19 Lucas Amberg
North Coast Aquatics
120 +4.1% PB
20 Big Nate Burke
South Bay Aquatics
128 PB
21 Casey Watson
North Coast Aquatics
98 PB
22 Brandon Prieto
Imperial Valley Desert Aquatics
21 PB
Blake Becker
Rancho San Dieguito
