SE AU Jimi Flowers Spring Splash
15 and over, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Matt Steele
775 +3.8% PB
2 Ivan Glotov
Auburn Aquatics
526 +5.4% PB
3 John Carroll
NW Georgia Aquatics
4 Jeremiah Petty
NW Georgia Aquatics
415 +3.1% PB
5 Brody Bushong
NW Georgia Aquatics
430 +5.5% PB
6 Markie Hutzler
NW Georgia Aquatics
277 +6.2% PB
7 Matthew Monforte
NW Georgia Aquatics
259 +5.0% PB
8 Dawson Callins
Montgomery YMCA Barracudas
97 -1.0%
9 Jake Furmanek
Opelika Swim Team
2 +4.9% PB
13 - 14, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Andy Niu
Auburn Aquatics
445 +6.8% PB
2 Bryant Ingram
Auburn Aquatics
443 +1.2% SB
3 Colin Wood
NW Georgia Aquatics
518 +3.0% PB
4 Aidan Best
South West Aquatics of Georgia
366 +6.1% PB
5 Cole Jackson
Auburn Aquatics
286 +5.0% PB
6 Pierce Meinert
Auburn Aquatics
86 PB
7 Kyle Wilson
Auburn Aquatics
118 +5.9% PB
8 Joseph McElroy
Auburn Aquatics
9 Jonathan Jackson
Montgomery YMCA Barracudas
10 David Lee
Montgomery YMCA Barracudas
57 PB
11 Riley Cooper
South West Aquatics of Georgia
11 - 12, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Leo Shen
Auburn Aquatics
533 +0.9% PB
2 Paul Choi
Montgomery YMCA Barracudas
426 +6.1% PB
3 Ben Chung
Auburn Aquatics
396 +4.3% PB
4 Justin Liu
Auburn Aquatics
519 -1.3%
5 Ethan Stalnaker
Tiftarea Tidal Wave Swim Team
119 -0.9%
6 Daniel Shin
Montgomery YMCA Barracudas
92 -0.1%
7 Donghyun Kwon
Auburn Aquatics
173 +4.3% PB
9 - 10, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 ALEX Park
Montgomery YMCA Barracudas
632 +6.1% PB
2 David Shin
Montgomery YMCA Barracudas
600 +12.3% PB
3 Austin O'Steen
Auburn Aquatics
549 PB
4 Xander Smith
Auburn Aquatics
331 +7.0% SB
5 Lucas Harrod
Tiftarea Tidal Wave Swim Team
51 +4.1% PB
6 Jase Hendricks
Tiftarea Tidal Wave Swim Team
39 +3.9% PB
7 Logan Floyd
Tiftarea Tidal Wave Swim Team
8 Trey Dorminey
Tiftarea Tidal Wave Swim Team
89 +0.0% PB
Andrey Glotov
Auburn Aquatics
Jaxson Glover
South West Aquatics of Georgia
Ethan VanOrman
Tiftarea Tidal Wave Swim Team
8 and under, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Brandon Liu
Auburn Aquatics
261 PB
2 Andrew Stern
Auburn Aquatics
140 +4.9% PB
3 Harry Xiang
Auburn Aquatics
126 +1.9% PB
4 Andrew Lee
Auburn Aquatics
Henry Aston
Auburn Aquatics
Edward Jang
Montgomery YMCA Barracudas
Prabhav Karapakula
South West Aquatics of Georgia