STOP Spring "BB Max"
Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Austin Bartelli
Swim Team of Placentia
380 +1.0% PB
2 Declan Powell
Brea Aquatics
461 +2.2% PB
3 Alex Zheng
Brea Aquatics
458 -1.1%
4 Theo Sherry
Orange County Riptide Aquatics
456 +2.2% PB
5 David LI
Brea Aquatics
409 -2.1%
6 Yoojoon Son
Speed Aquatics
293 +3.4% PB
7 Frey Liu
Brea Aquatics
369 +19.1% PB
8 Nicholas Echeveria
Brea Aquatics
233 +0.7% PB
9 Michael Zheng
Brea Aquatics
341 -2.3%
10 Ryan Colligan
Swim Team of Placentia
337 -4.0%
11 Andrew Baik
Brea Aquatics
334 -1.6%
12 Albert Wong
Brea Aquatics
323 +0.3% PB
13 Hieu Dao
Golden West Swim Club
179 +9.9% PB
14 Damian Li
Brea Aquatics
281 -0.7%
15 Jake Hearn
Brea Aquatics
133 +4.6% PB
16 Lawrence Hu
Brea Aquatics
235 +10.0% PB
17 Wiliam Lyu
Brea Aquatics
78 -7.9%
18 Owen Okuno
Brea Aquatics
175 -1.8%
19 Eric Xiao
Brea Aquatics
20 Patrick Du
Speed Aquatics
21 Ean Lau
Brea Aquatics
55 -8.6%
22 Julian Widjaja
Speed Aquatics
2 -3.1%
23 Cayden Shi
Brea Aquatics
2 +5.2% PB
24 Brayden Topp
Swim Team of Placentia
2 -0.8%
Mason Hsu
Brea Aquatics
Haoran Tao
Orange County Riptide Aquatics
Max Mills
Swim Team of Placentia
Aaron Stevenson
Speed Aquatics
