NC HPSC Polar Bear Invitatio
15 and over, Timed Finals, #19
Name Time Pts
1 Isaac Haut
High Point Swim Club
2 Braeden Smith
High Point Swim Club
175 PB
13 - 14, Timed Finals, #19
Name Time Pts
1 Chase Sheffield
High Point Swim Club
82 PB
2 Asher Wilson
High Point Swim Club
3 James Currin
High Point Swim Club
2 PB
11 - 12, Timed Finals, #16
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Trey Dickenson
Star Aquatics
391 +4.2% PB
2 Bradley Dalton
Star Aquatics
210 -2.3%
3 Evan Sawyer
Alamance County Community YMCA
203 PB
4 Robert Craven
Star Aquatics
276 +3.7% PB
5 Julian Seamon
High Point Swim Club
2 +0.4% PB
6 Alex Crnjak
High Point Swim Club
10 and under, Timed Finals, #16
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Anderson Dickenson
Star Aquatics
362 -0.5%
2 Grant Williams
Star Aquatics
179 +1.4% PB
Kingston Phillips
High Point Swim Club