AZ NEP Copper Classic #3
15 and over, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Audrey Layman
Life Time Arizona
2 Bethany Barnwell
Swim Neptune
396 +0.6% PB
3 Ashlyn Williams
Surprise Storm
4 Isabelle Dauderman
Life Time Arizona
326 -4.0%
5 Paige Pittatsis
Surprise Storm
268 -1.1%
6 Addison Wyatt
Swim Neptune
218 -5.0%
13 - 14, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Savannah Bell
Surprise Storm
549 -0.2%
2 Sam Kuczaj
Swim Neptune
462 -0.2%
1 Heather Cox
Swim Neptune
2 Taylor Rozum
Desert Foothills Aquatics
55 -3.3%
3 Ellie Blamires
Swim Neptune
4 Jessica Cole
Swim Neptune
Hope Hand
Swim Neptune
11 - 12, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Genevieve George
Swim Neptune
738 -3.2%
2 Rachel Kuczaj
Swim Neptune
438 -3.0%
1 Dakota Scott
Swim Neptune
432 +9.9% PB
1 Lili Garland
Surprise Storm
427 -2.9%
2 Isabella Hineman
SunWest Swimming
205 -0.7%
2 Nicole Langbaum
Life Time Arizona
3 Katherine Mueller
Desert Thunder Aquatics Club
2 +2.4% PB
Harper Honeycutt
Swim Neptune
9 - 10, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Holland Stocker
Gold Medal Swim Club
670 +0.9% PB
2 Ava Lucero
Gold Medal Swim Club
669 +0.6% PB
3 Dylan Rhodes
Gold Medal Swim Club
610 +2.9% PB
1 Liliana Hineman
SunWest Swimming
437 +2.6% PB
2 Chloe Baptiste-cerra
364 +6.8% PB
1 Zoey Utecht
Swim Neptune
2 Alexis Bui
Life Time Arizona
248 PB
3 Olivia Kauffman
Life Time Arizona
74 +4.0% PB
3 Gabby Carlson
Desert Thunder Aquatics Club
3 +1.6% PB
4 Julia Dolmage
Desert Thunder Aquatics Club
8 and under, Timed Finals
Name Time Pts Imp
1 Mary Brundige
Swim Neptune
2 Julianne Hall
Gold Medal Swim Club
2 +8.0% PB
Arya Wolfe
Desert Thunder Aquatics Club
Mia Svetichan
Desert Thunder Aquatics Club