
Swimcloud for Meet Directors

Swimcloud Pro covers nearly every team’s home meets, with optional championship-level features available to handle even the most complex events—so you get exactly what you need, nothing more.

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Setup in Seconds

Create a meet, set entry and scoring rules and ​choose events in he time it takes to swim a 50 ​freestyle. An intuitive interface makes it a snap to ​train volunteers on the fly. Simply connect your ​touchpads, set up the timer, and GO!


Hassle-Free, Error-Free

Swimcloud eliminates the need for emails and file ​attachments. Inline notes let meet directors ​monitor entries, communicate with coaches and ​staff, and resolve errors instantly while automation ​even allows your meet to run even when your ​manage​r to steps away.

REAL Real-Time Results

Give your fans the ultimate experience by letting ​them follow every start, split and finish in the palm ​of their hand. No need to download an app. Simply ​scan and enjoy the action, including records, ​personal bests, and more in real time.

Fully Compatable

Compatibility with all major timing systems means ​you can use Swimcloud even if your competitors ​aren't.


Built-in Bonuses

Communicate with coaches and staff, ​customize fees and collect payments all in a ​single platform.


"The easiest meet manager I’ve ever used. It’s easy to fix things on the fly, change kids and lanes. Results are sooo much faster than Meet Mobile and don’t drain the heck out of your battery."

Greg Golling, Taft Union High School

"Swimcloud saved me. IT retooled my computer so I decided to give Swimcloud a spin. It’s so freaking easy. We will definitely be using it exclusively from here on out."

Christian Hanselman, Hamilton Southeast

Different Options for Different Needs

Never overpay for features you don’t use. Swimcloud Pro includes a built-in meet manager for everyday dual meets ​and invitationals. Swimcloud Pro for Championships offers advanced championship solutions including times verification, ​qualifying rules, advanced reporting, meet highlights and more.

Swimcloud Pro

Championship Suite

Pricing Starting at $150/season Contact Us
Designed For Teams hosting dual meets ​and small invitationals Facilities and organizations ​hosting championship events


Online Entries
Import Hy-Tek Entry files
# of Teams Up to 8 Unlimited
Collect entry fees
Times Validation

Meet Rules

HS/College Templates
Custom Age Groups
JV/Varsity Scoring
Meet Type Dual Meets, Intrasquads, ​Small Invitationals Timed Final Prelim / Final / Semis
Coach Management Email Email, CSV Export
Charge Entry Fees
Live Scoreboard
Meet Administrators 2 Unlimited


Entries / Split Sheets
Heat Sheets
Timer Sheets
Psyche Sheets
Award Labels
Paid Heat Sheets

*See if your organization is eligible for discount pricing. Learn More



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